Monday, May 30, 2005

on my weekend...

I have just lived through one of my most alive weekends after such a long time. I was completely tired the whole of today after the assignments and karaoke... after everything. I can't really say that I had enjoyed the experience. The assignments, study and exam was just stressful. Today, I had just came back after a group meeting in the city and just crashed until about 15 mins ago. I'm feeling a little light headed now but I'll be fine.

It's the experience after that I enjoy 'cause you know you survived it. I'm here NOW blogging about it. It's like how Kwang and Ming described their ill fated trip up Cameron's. They really thought they were fkd when their car died in the middle of nowhere. But, now they laugh about it and their experience makes a good story.

It feels like I am under a hot shower now, after working out at the gym.

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."
- Norman Vincent Peale

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