Thursday, May 05, 2005

~interdependant~ Nature

What is the definition of maturity?

There has been much shit that I've been force fed with about being a mature person. I have good parents that want the best for me. There was much to listen to about waking up on time, doing my homework, playing less computer games and other miscellaneous naggings. I never really understood for myself what is this concept of maturity.

When a person is born, the cute *widdly* *widdly* baby is by nature dependant. The baby needs to be cared for, nurtured and sustained by the parents. This is partly because babies can't look after themselves. As the baby grows up... 5 years, 12 years... the child grows more independant. The child learns to be more independantly - emotionally, physically, mentally.

Nature is interdependant. There is an ecological system that governs how things happen in nature. The fact of the matter is that flowers do not bloom by themselves and waves just do not magically happen. Like nature, our growth from infancy to adulthood is in accordance to this natural law.

Dependance is about you. I need you to take care of me. Dependant people need others to get what they want.

Independance is about I. I can take care of myself. I am capable. I am self-reliant. I am responsible. I can choose. Independant get what they want through their own efforts.

Interdependance is about we. We can do it. We can cooperate. We can combine our talents and together, acheive something better. Interdependant people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to acheive a greater success.


Interdependance is the form the personal independance with communication, teamwork and cooperation. This is a very mature and advanced concept. I am aware that I am self-reliant and capable on my own. But, I am able to perceive, understand and ackowledge my own shortcomings. I then realize that I am able to acomplish far more by working together with you than I could ever acomplish alone, even when I am at my best.

By being physically interdependant, I am able to carry more and lift heavier things with the help of others. If I am intellectually (mentally) interdependant, I value my own knowledge and my own thoughts but I recognize the need for dicussion of these thoughts with other people to refine my ideas. I require the best thinking of others to join with my own thoughts. I know my own self-worth but, because I am emotionally interdependant, I recognize the need for love. I understand the need for giving and receiving love from others

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