Saturday, May 07, 2005

music for MY listening pleasure

I rarely seem to be listening to music when I'm at home. I'll admit I have a gigantic collection of mp3s on my computer. And, there are the 3 odd stacks of CDs I've accumulated over the course of my time in Melbourne. I got all sorts of good stuff from my Garbage ver2.0 to my Utada and even a scratched copy of a live concert of Mayday.

I only ever seem to listen to instrumentals on my computer. I happen to have all sorts of classical composers and acoustic guitars on my playlist. Recently, I can say I'm happy to have expanded this to many strange korean and taiwanese series OSTs thanks to Darren. A good album to be listening to is the Mars OST. I've read the manga of it and it really is a classic love story. But, I have yet to see the series... can't say my interest is not piqued.

But yea... I noticed that I have a copy of the Diary of Alicia Keys sitting in my car. This is really strange as I rarely buy R&B and I'm guessing it is probably my sister's copy. I had nothing great in the car last night so... what the heck! I played it. Alicia Keys is really beautiful (as the photos below illustrates) and her voice is just silken.

favourite tracks of the album...
Alicia KEYS - My Boo
Alicia KEYS - If I ain't got you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha welcome to my world chris ......