I *hate* *hate* *hate* wallflowers!They had *almost* spoilt what was a great time... last Friday night. LAVISH @ watermark

watermark Bar on the Promenade
http://www.watermarkbar.com.au/Friendster Groups
http://www.friendster.com/group/tabmain.php?statpos=mygroup&gid=12280pure R&B and
trip-hop R&B and
remix R&BThrow in some garage remixes
~LAVISH~ has it taken shaken... not stirred
I really yearn for some good house mixes...
It was a really lavish place... heh!
The interior decor and lighting was real smooth
I had a real good look at the bar, impressive design and layout
The crowd is definately better than your average
with the yuppies and ladies out in their numbers dressed to their nines
I liked the whole concept and was loving it
In a few words? Stylish and understated...
I went with a few Malaysian friends from KL
friends of friends of friends
It really
is a small world after all.
Thanks goes to Heng for the invites...
Kelly looked really stunning, I had not seen her for awhile
This group of friends can drink...
I mean they are really just out to drink you under the table
I had brought Aaron and Darren out with me this time
You learn something new everyday... Darren can hold his
liquer, the small soft spoken guy drinks bordering on the alchoholic
I had him
hold up in my place (cantonese is 'tong ngor teng') against Heng 'cause I had to drive later
I had a new shot that I had never seen or heard of before
Barcardi 151
This stuff is apparently not available on Jln Sultan Ismail (read as KL)
STRONG STUFF... had it as a tequila shot with the lemon and the salt
The stuff burns on the way down
I was a lil'... well, DEFINATELY out of it after that
on wallflowers... SIGHWhat are wallflowers?
Small stuff that stand around and hang around by the walls
Hence, the term
wallflowersThese style of people who just happen to grow on walls...
and just stands there...
and does... ABSOLUTELY nothing
I mean, we went to a r&b club
Shall we dance? That's what people do in clubs... right?
Else we should had just went to a nice lounge...
somewhere along Brunswick St or Little Collins St
I know a great place called A11 near Kings St and Flinders Lane
But they just stood around, smoked a few cigarettes and drank somemore
I know I am and probably damn fkn
lame for trying to go and club
I'm 23 this year and I feel like I'm 30
But, standing around in a crowded room...
listening to R&B music...
next to my date...
who, coincidentally, so happens to be the wall
That is, by my definition,
on ladies and their taste in drinks...I happen to like my vodka
And I also happen to like my vodka, straight, on the rocks, in a short glass
No mixers, No chasers, No other additives
So, when Heng asked me to recommend a drink I went ahead and blurted what I liked
vodka, straight, on the rocks, in a short glass Note that my usual drink of vodka, lemon & lime is for
if and when I need to share
Come on, a pretty lil thing comes up and asks for a sip...
Don't tell me you are going to say no?
It's practically kissing on the first date... removed... on the second degree
I know, I need to get a girlfriend... and
Back to my little story...
After my recommendation, that I had not thought twice about
I forgot we had some women in the group...
and ladies would usually prefer a chicks drink (
duh!), like a sweet and cheeky cocktail
And I had recommended some hard stuff that tastes absolutely foul when taken slow
Everyone took a deep drink...
and the
WTF IS THIS STUFF !!! faces came up
I was sincerely very apologetic after...
I quickly recommended that they mixed their drinks or grab a chaser...
*slight laugh*
I am definately rusty on the dating game...
*shakes own head*
Well, I had better read up on
ye olde seduction skills...
else I'm probably going to be singles market for a looooooong time...
on lil' petty politics and WIERDOs...There is a guy whom I get along with pretty well with in this group of friends
He is not very well liked by the rest of the group though
The girls find him a little
hamsupand a little more
hentai eii desu ne...I mean that the guy was a little
full on with the ladies
Susanna had complained later in the car to that he was definately NOT a hit with the girls
If you were a lady, he would hold your hand and not let go...
he would stare intently at your eyes...
he would also be a little too
You *just* know when somebody's game is on when he is a little too
All this happens when he just met you...
and the both of you were just exchanging first names
Give the guy a break...
He is in his twenties and is definately out cruising for some
action... heh!
It was a Saturday night...
and there were ladies...
and the ladies were dressed to their nines!
Reminds me of the arguement of ladies tempting guys by wearing revealing clothing, and then complain about the guys talking to her breasts
BUT, then again, he should not have been so blatantly obvious
Definately a case of bordering on
sexual harrassmentAnd the best part was his association
with and to me
He hangs around me (more like sticks to me) alot when I am out with the group
The whole night at LAVISH, he was either with me or making a fool of himself
I mean, you do not go up to people and ask, "Why are you not out on the dance floor dancing
SEXILY for me?"
I was like WTF? Did he really say that? ~IDIOT~
And, the clincher was that I was the guy who had suggested to call him out with us
I was unfortunately found
GUILTY by association to the wierdo
I am so unhappy...