Sunday, September 04, 2005

the SPIFFE perfect male archetype

I picked this up from the weeks MX on Friday. It was an interesting commentary on the age old question of 'What women want?' The articles put is as 'a quest to find the perfect mate for a meaningful relationship'.

The articles details the gender differences between the last two generations. Women now are empowered to do what they want in this day. Women no longer need a man to provide for her financial security or fill some void in her life. They have equality and are therefore now encouraged to travel and indulge their interests. Women are 'leading fulfilling lives as single independant and career minded people'. The support for this statement is that women today, are marrying later...

Women today want a complete package in their man.

The article then came up with the concept of the SPIFFE male archetype. Below is a word-for-word quote from the article that details this new age man.

To start with, he is Spiritual, he is is aware, in touch, understanding, emphatic and intuitive. Next you've got the "va-va-voom" happening so the sex appeal and Physical connection works. He is an Intellectual turn-onso you can spend hours talking about the meaning of life and indulge in some verbal sparring. But, best of all, he challenges you on the way you think and view the world. He is Financial, this indicates stability security, hard-work and commitment to the future. He is Free , so he is available, unattached and ready to meet someone. He is not afraid to express his Emotions instead of bottling them up and perhaps, more importantly, he is not afraid when you express your emotions.

Women today are encouraged to travel , go to university, buy real estate, and a probable other million things. They seem to be so busy that they are staying single longer and no longer seem to just settle on any guy. It's like how the article puts it, 'you can't really expect to find someone until you find yourself.'

on my thoughts?

What I'm thinking here is quite meaningless. I was re-reading this during a slow period at SUBWAY today. I asked myself, how do I fit into this SPIFFE model of the perfect man? What happens if I'm not a total SPIFFE but just happen to be SPIF or a IPE?

Ah... this is so like life.

Where do I go from here?


Anonymous said...

interesting article. i agree, these are the usual set of considerations for an ideal partner, both male and female. the complete package.. ahhh.. when that day will be, nobody but yourself knows i guess.

do you simply go out with someone to fill that void in your life? or do you wait for that right person to come along?

that void, that void.. well you know that you're not a bad person, you dont do it intentionally but it just.. happens. or does it?

you click with them, you think you understand each other, and you share so many common interests but at the end of the day do you see yourself with them?

its complicated. you never replied

on a lighter note, how is work at subway? dont over-work and neglect your studies

c_keah said...

Well, thanks...

I intentionally never replied.
Just 'cause I've never seem to be able to fill anyone's void.
Abd, that is just clouding my sunshine.

I've had a rough week.
And, the forecast for the week ahead is not much better.

Note to self...
Finish assignments... got to finish assignments !!!