Sunday, September 25, 2005

on why I blog...

I started these blogs as a diary to chronicle my present days but always seemed to slide sideways into recounting the past days and past details of my own small life. The more I read and studied the accounts of others, both written and told, the more it seemed to me that we attempt such personal histories not to preserve knowledge, but to fix the past in a settled way.

Much like flowers pressed flat and dried, we try to hold it still and say this is exactly how it was the first day I saw it. But like a flower, the past cannot be trapped this way. It loses its fragrance and vitality, its fragileness becomes brittleness and and its colours fade. And when next you look at the flower, you know that it is not all what you sought to capture.

It is that the moment has fled forever.

I captured my thoughts on paper and then electronically. I believed that by fixing it down in words I could force sense from all that happened, that effect would follow cause and the reason for each event would become clear for me. Perhaps I sought to justify to myself not just all I had done but who I had become.

For awhile now, I have written faithfully in these blog of mine. I have held it so carefully explaining my world and my life to myself. I leave these words alone now, trusting I have captured the meaning of my days.


Anonymous said...

What?! Does this mean you will stop posting forever or just posting less regularly?

I also write for the same reasons you've just explained. I never took much notice of it, but now I realise it.

Yes, we write to try and justify the way things turned out, we try to put reasons on past situations and also hope that the person reading it will see what you really want them to understand.

Its like explaining something without having to really share it. I guess that's why it works.

Anonymous said...

i'm still alive bro. even if i havent been checking your site out. finally got a sunday to myself where i dont have to do jack shit. is been busy i tell u. busy but good. work was a torture... learning about j2se...learning about servers..learning about sap, oracle and learning the architectural structures of them all. bleeah. nevertheless it has been challengeing and its better to be challenged than stay stagnant. :) nice to see ur alright man. rememeber bro.. ya got frens back here. even if its only yum cha, talk cock frens. life goes on..:) nice to know u got the HD.

c_keah said...

to Anonymous...

Nothing about me posting less often. Don't get upset or anything. I'm just glad you enjoy what I have to say and that I'm able to entertain the few of you.

It's just that I had sat down and had a think about why I post on my blog. To record for myself what I've been doing and why. Perhaps, more to explain my own life to myself...

to chukwang...

I'm alright man. I just want to go back to KL as soon as possible. To sit among friends and relax. You knew how it was...

You just make sure you got time for me when I get back yea... haha!

Good friends are for today, great friends are foever.