I've recently been accused of being TRADITIONAL.
What is considered traditional?
~ versus ~
What is modern and, perhaps, forward thinking?
~ versus ~
What is modern and, perhaps, forward thinking?
Let's analyze what are my personal views on my values. I'd like to think I have a matured viewpoint on life and it's inherent obstacles. I try to take an impartial view towards what I see and experience. And, as I have mentioned before, maturity to me is about being self aware and taking the initiative to be responsible and influence my own decisions.
Push and not be pulled in the world.
Understand also that maturity is subjective. It is different for everybody. Sometimes, it is even a mutating concept. For a few, at any snapshot in time, it is different depending on the crisis or situation.
I was critique'd on not being open-minded. But that, I believe, is subjective. If I walked into a room with both a guy and a girl sleeping inside, I am definitely guaranteed to be shocked. Irrespective of their relationship, I think that it is their right to some privacy and I should disappear.
I come from a Christian background with youth groups, bible study and sunday mornings at worship. It is to say that Christian morals are that which, shaped my personal principles and values. In the eyes of the world today, I believe, this is therefore, interpreted as me being traditional.
I am vehemently abhorent of the greater social evils like murder, rape and the whole global terrorism issue. But, the world is seeing a general relaxing of certain traditionally kept principles. Examples are like sex before marriage and homosexuality. I believe that this relaxing of the contemporary culture is good. In a global view, tolerance is an understood necessity. Therefore, I am all for the relaxing and, perhaps, even the acceptance of these yesterday's deviances.
But, I believe that I am very forward thinking. I have great parents and an academic background that encourages thought. I've always believe myself to be open-minded. And, now, I am trying to learn to delay my judgement and be impartial. I am trying to train myself to view experiences objectively and not see everything in absolutes.
Why? 'cause in these absolute skies are every shade of gray.
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