After the fireworks...
Chi and I finally linked up with Kelly and Wai Peng.
We then wondered what we were going to do after.
I thought it would be a good die to have a sit down over some drinks.
But the throng of people in the city was tremendous.
The usual coffee (re: cafe latte) places like Lin Contro was definately out.
And I came out with the phrase that, 'price... is an exclusion factor.'
The Martini Bar is at the Westin Hotel, a premier 6 star establishment.
A nice place, as was this, will logically command a higher price.
And thus, there would be less people there.
But there were no tables available at the cafe and we had to wait a bit for table at the bar.
Heh! I guess I was wrong about it being an absolute rule.
The fact that it was the Westin Hotel...
(and she said, "Wow! Super expensive place...")
...would also keep out the riff-raff.
This is because those who can afford it, only they would frequent it.
Who are these characters who fall into the category of those who can afford it?
They are simply those who have a larger disposable income.
I am definately NOT one of them.
Although I would like to be one of these characters (and will be in the not too distant future, you just wait and see!)
But on occasions, like it being the New Year, I say that it is alright to indulge.
It is just not possible to do places like the Martini Bar every other day...
But I digress...
Those who can afford it...
We call the the yuppie crowd or even label them as trust fund babies.
There are those who are self-made men and women... but they are a rare breed.
Kudos to those who have made it while they are still young.
They are usually of a better background.
An educated lot who have attended the posh private schools and are able to lay claim a certain ammount of polish.
The well bred, often farcically polite and smarter than your drunken average crowd.
I know that this is a pretty elitist~ view of things.
Survival of the fittest.
But you could agree that the rule of nature applies in this instance.
Well... I think that yes, 'price... is an exclusion factor'.
Who are these characters who fall into the category of those who can afford it?
They are simply those who have a larger disposable income.
I am definately NOT one of them.
Although I would like to be one of these characters (and will be in the not too distant future, you just wait and see!)
But on occasions, like it being the New Year, I say that it is alright to indulge.
It is just not possible to do places like the Martini Bar every other day...
But I digress...
Those who can afford it...
We call the the yuppie crowd or even label them as trust fund babies.
There are those who are self-made men and women... but they are a rare breed.
Kudos to those who have made it while they are still young.
They are usually of a better background.
An educated lot who have attended the posh private schools and are able to lay claim a certain ammount of polish.
The well bred, often farcically polite and smarter than your drunken average crowd.
I know that this is a pretty elitist~ view of things.
Survival of the fittest.
But you could agree that the rule of nature applies in this instance.
Well... I think that yes, 'price... is an exclusion factor'.
1 comment:
No offence or anything but that background music is really irritating!!!
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