Tuesday, October 04, 2005

to my brother...

I've not had enough time to blog. *grumble*
Life... It's been busy and hectic.
I've been doing assignments and working.
Then I had to finis~ my tutoring job on the sideline.

Well... that is life I guess.
I'm taking a break from my Java.
Yea, I like Java but I like being lazy a lot more.

Sugi... I promised I'd visit you in JKT at the end of the year.
This doesn't look probably now.
The recent bombings in Bali... why can't we all just get along? cliche'
And the bird flu going about Asia, again.
Since you've graduated and left, I've yet to link up with you.

Another year of promises broken.
Another year of a dream unfulfilled.
And yet another year of hoping I'd get to sit down with you in a bar somewhere.

Let's just buy an island somewhere...
Far, far away from the world and it's strife.
You'd bring the vodka...
And I'd bring the lime bitters.
If we get bored, we could import PS2 games from Malaysia.
Then, we'd open a luxurious beach resort the following year.
We'd then retire rich men.

Such wishful thinking... Haha!

Who are we today?
Where will we be tomorrow?

brother you know it is, you know it is,
such a long road we have been walking on...

in your love, my salvation lies...

damn... We should catch up soon, man.

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