Saturday, August 27, 2005


Top Bumper Stickers

1. Cat: The Other White Meat

2. Caution - Driver Legally Blonde!

3. Don't Be Sexist - Broads Hate That

4. Heart Attacks... God's Revenge For Eating His Animal Friends

5. Honk If You've Never Seen An Uzi Fired From A Car Window

6. How Many Roads Must A Man Travel Down Before He Admits He Is Lost?

7. If You Can't Dazzle Them With Brilliance, Riddle Them With Bullets

8. Money Isn't Everything, But It Sure Keeps The Kids In Touch

9. Saw It... Wanted It... Had A Fit... Got It!

10. My Hockey Mom Can Beat Up Your Soccer Mom

11. Grow Your Own Dope - Plant A Man

12. All Men Are Animals, Some Just Make Better Pets

13. Some people are only alive because it is illegal to shoot them

14. I used to have a handle on life, but it broke

15. Wanted: Meaningful overnight relationship

16. Beer: It's not just for breakfast anymore

17. So you're a feminist... Isn't that precious

18. I need someone really bad... Are you really bad?

19. Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

20. Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway

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