Friday, August 26, 2005

grumble... grumble...

why do I bother?
I woke up today... still sick
missed my chinese class
but I'll get a med cert tomorrow from the doctors
still have a slight fever
and add a case of diarrhea to that
I still have to work later at 6:00pm

this is all just too depressing...

I still have to contend with this whole relationship schtix
I'm trying to do what I think is right
but, there are always detractors
people who come and threaten me on MY BLOG
I feel as if it's like someone has come up to my house
and drawn grafitti on my walls.

cindy said that I'm being stoopid for rejecting people
that I should always give people a chance to love me
and see how the ride goes...

that is an answer...

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