Friday, September 28, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Rest in Peace...

Robert Jordan was the pen name of James Oliver Rigney, Jr. (October 17, 1948 – September 16, 2007), under which he was best known as the author of the bestselling The Wheel of Time fantasy series.

He died September 16, 2007 from complications due to cardiac amyloidosis.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Fūrin Kazan

風林火山 - Fūrin Kazan

The title is a reference to the war banner used by Takeda Shingen, which in turn was taken from Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

"Swift as the Wind, Silent as a Forest, Fierce as Fire and Immovable as a Mountain."

"move as swift as the wind,
stay silent as the forest,
attack as fierce as fire,
immovable defense as the mountains.

Colorgenics Profile

My complete personal profile, as provided by Colorgenics

You have exaggerated demands on life but you are cautious enough to try to hide these beliefs from the outside world. You are covert enough to try to impress other people around you with your achievements and at the same time able to put on an act of pretending to be 'humble' - being the same as everyone else. It would appear, however, that whatever you are doing seems to be working out O.K.

You 'need to be needed'. As an idealist you are intolerant of anything short of special consideration from those close to you. If you do not get what you seek you are apt to become reclusive and you will close the doors on all those within your sphere of influence.

In spite of the fact that you believe that your hopes and ideas are realistic, it is hard for you to accept that your needs and desires are misunderstood by almost everyone within your sphere of influence and there is no-one to turn to or rely on. Your pent-up emotions and inherent egocentricity make you quick to take offence, but as matters stand you realise that you will have to make the best of things as they are.

You are trying to prove yourself - not only to yourself but also to everyone around you. There is much that you would like to say and do but the situation warrants self-restraint and that is the last thing that you have on your mind. It would seem that you have an unsatisfied need to ally yourself with others whose standards are as high as your own. You want to be different - to stand out from the crowd. This is subjecting you to considerable stress but you tend to stick to your attitudes despite lack of appreciation. Of course, you are finding the situation uncomfortable and would like nothing better but to break away from it but you don't like the idea of compromise. Your main problem is that you are unable to resolve the situation because you continually postpone making the necessary decisions. You feel that if you make the wrong choice this would lead to such opposition that you would not be able to command the esteem of others. It is essential that those around you are prepared to comply with your wishes.

It is strange that the anxiety that you are experiencing at this time is of your own making simply because of your desire to be respected by your fellow man and with those whom you work with. You are not satisfied. The normal congenial 'you' is becoming quite introverted. This is becoming increasingly more obvious because you seem to shy away from participating in everyday activities. You are refusing to allow yourself to become involved or to participate with others and it is the reluctance to communicate that is the inherent cause of your problems.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

smells bad...

I live in an apartment with nice lawns.
I also happen to have to pay a nice tidy sum to the Body Corporate in fees.
So, we have a nice gentleman (who is our caretaker) and he keeps the lawn nice, green and bright.
Over the winter, the lawns wither and waste away.
Every spring, the nice caretaker comes over and plants a new green lawn.
The new green lawn will need fertilizer to help the lawn grow up big and strong.
Since the nice caretaker is a fairly pro-environment guy, he uses manure.

I DO NOT like the smell of shit in the morning !!!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

I hate logging stats at the office...

Stats, as in statistics, where you have to log how many work units you complete in an hour. This forms a way for the management to monitor the productivity of their employees. Since it runs on an honor system, I am skeptical of the accuracy.

I am not a particular fan of the whole system though. I, as an individual employee, find it an extra chore to log stats every hour on the hour. And, in the interest of being more productive, I find that it slows me down and breaks my work rhythm.

I am currently chasing the personal best (highest number work units completed in a day) of my colleagues at the bank and I find that I am not quite improving. They have the advantage of familiarity of the work and of having had proper training sessions. I just got 2 weeks of having been shown how stuff works and it has been 'monkey see, monkey do' ever since.

But, I understand the need for it and how it helps planning and work distribution. It is not feasible to work on a guesstimate. And, it makes sense to have the hard numbers. Say that you have a team of 5 on a manufacturing line that needs to assemble 100 widgets a day. You kinda need the numbers to map out the capability of your team and monitor how many widgets they can comfortably achieve in a day.

And with those figures, you can then allocate the work load accordingly. I'm a big fan of team work and the idea of load-balancing among the different production lines and teams in the factory.

Furthermore, if you log and track each individual employee's stats, you are in a better position to plan for contingencies. Say, you have John Employee who is able to comfortably assemble 20 widgets a day. That means, on the days that John calls in sick, the other 4 team members must be able to pick up the slack and complete an extra 5 widgets each. This is assuming if the team is to make the daily production quota.

And, when John decides to take off to the Bahamas on his annual leave, it would be better to hire another guy. This is as not to burn out your team by having them pick up the slack...

... every day...

... for the next 4 weeks.

Monday, August 06, 2007


ma de chau hai...

Australian Idol
has started again...

I have just run into my room to escape the nonsense that is the idol auditions.
It is so… bad.
I don’t get the fascination of people who actually want to watch the auditions.
Why watch the shit that show up?
Those who can’t sing are awful, the wierdos make it horrific and the desperate are just sad.

Why watch shit?

Just get to the good parts.
I mean skip the audition completely and just show the competition when you have the shortlist of people who can actually sing.
I just want to watch the finalists who can sing well and entertain.

… you know?

Sunday, July 29, 2007


non-breaking space

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Reasons why people have SEX ?

I remember reading about this in the MX at work. The MX is a free newspaper/tabloid that is published in Melbourne. It was fairly sensationalist~ and even the floor manager commented so when he saw me reading about it.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Advanced Global Personality Test

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Extraversion |||||||||||| 43%
Stability |||||||||||||||| 63%
Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Accommodation |||||||||||||||| 63%
Interdependence |||||||||||||||| 70%
Intellectual |||||||||||||||| 70%
Mystical |||| 16%
Artistic |||||||||| 36%
Religious |||||||||||| 50%
Hedonism |||||||||||||||| 63%
Materialism |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Narcissism |||||||||||||| 56%
Adventurousness |||||||||||| 50%
Work ethic |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Self absorbed |||||||||||||| 56%
Conflict seeking |||||||||||| 43%
Need to dominate |||||||||||| 43%
Romantic |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||| 63%
Anti-authority |||||||||||||| 56%
Wealth |||||||||||||||| 63%
Dependency |||||||||||| 43%
Change averse |||||||||||| 43%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Individuality |||||||||||||||| 63%
Sexuality |||||||||||| 43%
Peter pan complex |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Physical security |||||||||||||||||||| 83%
Physical Fitness |||||||||||||| 57%
Histrionic |||||||||||| 43%
Paranoia |||||||||||||| 56%
Vanity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Hypersensitivity |||||||||||||||| 70%
Indie |||||||||||| 43%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were medium which suggests you are moderately organized, hard working, and reliable while still remaining flexible, efficient, and fun.

Extraversion results were moderately low which suggests you are reclusive, quiet, unassertive, and secretive.

trait snapshot:
rarely irritated, positive, tough, non phobic, fearless, likes the unknown, self reliant, high self control, confident, trusting, strong instincts, prudent, optimistic, willful, likes parties, prefers a specialized career, takes charge, altruistic, strong, high self concept, adventurous, practical, thoughtful

Work Ethic

desires accomplishment, determined, hard working, goal oriented, can forget to eat and sleep when focused on work, achiever, success driven, perfectionist, motivated, does things by the book, meets obligations on time, disciplinarian, planner, ambitious, responsible, purposeful, self-controlled, workaholic, over-achiever, focused, not afraid of a high stress job, likes the security of working for a company, good trouble-shooter, was mature at a young age, does not give up until the work is done, logical, wants to be capable and competent

Life as an ISTP

(Introvert, Sensor, Thinker, Perceiver)

People of this type tend to be logical, pragmatic and matter of fact; quiet, unassuming, and autonomous; realistic, pragmatic and aloof; impulsive and curious about the physical world; flexible and resourceful; objective and unemotional.

The most important thing to ISTPs is the freedom to act independently and follow their impulses.

Great careers for ISTPs

Here are just a few popular and often satisfying careers for people whose Personality Type is ISTP:

Computer programmer <-- hehe...
Commercial pilot
Police officer
Software developer <-- HAHAHA !!!
Information services manager <-- wakakaka~
Emergency medical technician
Private investigator
Physical therapist
Lawn service manager

Thursday, July 12, 2007

a greeting and birthday wishes

Another year and then, a year older,
a quarter of the way on the journey to a century....

where Rubies bleed red in a cold July winter,
and the cardinality of Cancer ruled by the pale Moon,
of the lark's claws and a knight's spurs,
and the Larkspur blossoms violet, white and blue after...

of an individual, thought to be kind, emotional and sympathetic,
an imaginative romantic possessed of a nurturing and intuitive character,
but, one who is prone to change, is moody...

and tales of he of imperial status, born to the purple.

wishes of a happy birthday,
and hopes that all birthday wishes do come true...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

citius, altius, fortius

Faster, Higher, Stronger... the modern Olympic motto.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

What Women Look For...

Many women believe that all the good guys are taken, but you know that’s simply not true. is telling women exactly how to spot a great guy, so I thought it was best to read up on what qualities she's looking for in her dream man.

Women all want to find a great guy. But, according to popular culture, all the good men are taken. How many of movies are there where their first choices seemed fantastic at first, only to turn out they were Mr. Wrongs? Well, here is to the remaining good guys and the Average Joe getting a nice girl.

From here on is a summary of the article mentioned above...

When you first meet a man, whether it's online, at the grocery store, at a bar, at school or at your job, you should feel that he wants you.

It may be conveyed by a look, a touch, a compliment, curiosity or attention to detail. And it must, within a short amount of time, be conveyed in person -- not online, through a text message or on the phone. And definitely, it should be backed up by his willingness to make a plan and move the relationship forward. If he's not interested enough to call in advance and make a plan, he's not interested enough to invest his emotions in a relationship. Conversely, constant calling, e-mailing and text-messaging is not true contact. He cannot touch you, see you, adore you or get to know you through words on a screen or over the phone.

Soon after meeting him, you should discover that he has appropriately achieved in at least one area of his life.

For instance, if he went to college he now has a good job. Or a decent car. If he inherited his parents' business, he has learned how to successfully manage it. Or if he is a member of a baseball team, he has learned to become a team player. His efforts continue to generate new opportunities, new skills, new challenges, or new possessions. Thus, he is progressing and not degenerating.

If he's a healthy man, he will never make plans for the future that he does not intend to back up.

And he will certainly not say, “I'm not sure where this relationship is going,” and then continue to call you and have sex with you. He will not send messages that are confusing and difficult to decipher. A healthy man says what he means and means what he says. And the words that he speaks are backed up by action that coincides. Even if he cannot give a guarantee, the relationship is always moving forward. Thus, you will never find yourself drunk-dialing at two in the morning because you fear that he is out with another girl. Or find yourself in a situation where he claims to want to get married , but you are the only one who is planning the wedding and paying for the caterer.

If you are in the right relationship, it will feel reciprocal and mutual.

When you offer emotional support, is he appreciative? Does he give back by surprising you with a special little something? Or remembering your favorite drink? Do you feel that what he gives is as valuable and meaningful as what you offer? For instance, if you set aside a Saturday night, will he make an entertainment plan that is enjoyable for both of you? If your car breaks down, will he come and get you? If you have a problem, will he help you? Is he as devoted to you as you are to him? Healthy relationships are based upon mutual give-and-take. And what is given and received should feel of equal value. If the only thing that you are getting out of this relationship is text messages or e-mails, occasional plans or the assurance that you won't be alone on a Saturday night, you are not getting what you need.

If he's the right guy for you, he will have good friends and you will like who he is when he's with them.

Whether he's at the bar, at a tailgate party or running for political office, you are confident that he is the man you know and love, both with you or apart from you. When he's out of sight, he does not turn into somebody else. For instance, a player. Or a jerk. Conversely, when you include him with your friends, you know who he will be: charming and engaging, enhancing instead of detracting.

If he's a healthy man, he will like you for who you are.

Even if you have a bad day or say something that he does not like, his adoration will remain steady and his view of you will remain the same. Beware of the guy whose perception changes whenever you deviate from his expectations. For instance, you dress a certain way and he refuses to hold you or compliment you. Or you gain weight and he stops having sex with you. Does he take pleasure in you, whether you look sexy in your low-rider jeans or have just gotten out of bed? Does he spend time with your family because he knows that you are a part of them? Is he interested in your spirituality? Or do you feel that you must suppress your personality in order to hold on to his approval? Even when it comes to your sexual preferences, you should feel free to reveal yourself without fear of losing his affection.

A healthy man will never view you as unconditionally bad or make you feel terrible about yourself.

Even in the midst of an argument, he will be able to see both the good and the bad in you. For instance, he will not stay mad at you once the argument is over. And he will move on instead of clinging to bad feelings or suspicions. He loves you and sees you as a good person, no matter what. And he would never refuse to call, refuse to be nice, or walk out the door without quickly returning simply because you shared your concerns with him.

A healthy man has a learning curve.

For instance, if you tell him that you need more time together or need him to stop doing something that is obnoxious, he will shift his behavior because he loves you and does not want to lose you. He is willing to learn from his mistakes and modify his actions. For instance, if he begins a friendship with a flirtatious girl and you let him know that this is creating a problem, he will be concerned about your feelings and come up with a solution. When you discuss relationship obstacles, he works on them. He would never admit to a substance abuse problem and then refuse to address it. Or agree to appropriately separate from his mother (who dislikes you), but then go running back to the nest.

If he is healthy, he will seek his own solutions.

For instance, if he has a problem, he will reach out to others for help, find resources, have a conversation, go to therapy, attend a 12-step program -- anything that will move him closer to making the changes that he needs to make. (You could do worse than give him this book. No, wait -- make him buy his own damn copy!) Petty pride, laziness or stubbornness will not keep him from taking the steps that he needs to take to have a full relationship with you.

A healthy man will not try to have power over you.

He won't leave you wondering where he is and what he is doing. Or leave you hanging just to prove a point. Or make you feel that you have to disappear for a few days to recover the power you once had. Even if he has more money, status and power, he will not make you feel that you would be nothing without him. A healthy man is willing to take you into account instead of pushing you away. He is willing to listen, meet your needs, and include you in mutual decision-making. Because you matter, he does not want to have undue influence or control over you. And he can trust that he is loved, even when he is not in charge. When it comes to who takes care of whom, and who makes the decisions, and who gets the last say, he is willing to negotiate.

Friday, June 29, 2007

That first kiss...

...will be the kiss by which all others in your life will be judged and found wanting.

I got a good one...

For the women out there who complain, and complain... and complain...


"Excuse me Miss, would you care for some cheese with your whine?"


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

helping your fellow man...

I was going home from the Commonwealth a few days ago and I was grumpy because it was a very cold day. I know that I need a warmer coat for this silly season and am looking for one. I might end up getting this overcoat from SATCH if (and most probably when) I get sufficiently irritated with the cold weather.

On the tram ride home from the CBD I saw this mummy with two bored wailing kids, a pram and her shopping. I was wondering to myself how did she ever get around the city with all her baggage, let alone get on the tram. She was trying to calm her little girl down and watch her inquisitive son. All while asking where she was and for someone to let her know when it was her stop.

This being the evening tram home, the tram was packed with people (assuming professionals) going home from work. And, most people were trying their very best to just ignore her. We finally pull around to her stop and no one would even help her carry her shopping bags or move her pram off the tram.

I thought to myself, "Geez..." and shoved my way to her and helped her carry her pram off the tram while everyone was just idle. It was a fantastic moment when you come to realize that the modern society is very desensitized, almost insensitive to their fellow man's need for assistance. Everyone wants to mind their own business (MYOB ?) and not get involved.

The best bit was when I got off lifting her pram with me from the tram, the moron of a tram driver closed the doors and pulled away. I was standing there thinking, "Thank you blaaaaaardy Yarra Trams, blaaaaaaaaaaardy fantastic customer service there", as I watched the tram leave without me.

What is the fate of the world, if the good people of the world sit idle and do nothing?

I want to be like the people of Sparta where there is a strong code of ethics bound by their personal honour. A strong emphasis was placed on carrying out acts great or small because it was the right thing to do. A classic example would be as Xenophon wrote about the Spartans as he observed them during an Olympic game...

An elderly man was trying to find a place to sit and observe the Olympic Games, as he went to each section. All the other Greeks laughed as he tried to make his way through. Some ignored him. Upon entering the Spartan section all the Spartans stood and offered the elderly man their seats. Suddenly the entire stadium applauded. All the Greeks knew what was the right thing to do, but the Spartans were the only ones who did it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ever wondered how your little mouse pointer moves around your monitor?

Spending the lunch hour in the city...

I would never have expected this but... having lunch in the city is a pain.

You would expect after so many odd years studying and playing in the city, I would know where to go and what to eat.

I remember a few good cheap eats in China Town along Little Bourke St. There are also plenty of quaint, little cafes hidden in the alleys and laneways between Bourke St and Little Collins St.

I tend to be unusually lazy these few days because of winter and complain of the cold outside. I would just grab a sushi roll and a strong latte from stores in the food courts below. The further~est I have ventured is a quick run across the street to grab a large Boost juice.

By the way, the cafe that is Blahniks in the Galleria serves the best coffee in Melbourne. At least, that is in my opinion...


I need to be a little more adventurous...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

a place for everything... and everything in it's place

I decided to join Winni, Phi and so on at LAVISH @ the Watermark on the Docklands yesterday.
It has been an age since I had been there.

I have a need for a proper work/life balance.
Last year I believe I had overdid the whole job thing and had burnt out.
I should slow it down once in a while and take the time to go chill out more often.

Friday, June 08, 2007

am not unemployed anymore PART 2

I have given my problem a lot of thought...

Is the problem with me being ever impatient?
Or, is it that I am just being a drama queen?

I had a one of those short in-the-hallways chat with an older (and wiser) colleague at work.
She had asked how I was coping and if I had any issues with the job.
I was appreciative that someone cared...

I then told her that the job was very boring and mundane, and had asked if the job would get more interesting.
She then laughed at me... apparently this happens to just about everyone who just starts out at Commonwealth Bank.
I advised to tough it out for a few weeks and then to re-evaluate things.
I was told to wait for the IT guys to sort out my login problems and for the floor management to source me some proper desk space.
The job will then get progressively difficult/interesting as the team will then properly begin some training with me on the procedures.

She told me, that from her experience, this is considered a nice and safe place to work.
The pay and benefits are reasonable and the fact that there is job security at banks.
She had alluded that the team manager is a very nice guy and looks after everyone in the team.
And, the team is good, friendly and you have a good mix of personalities from the car nuts and the older office ladies.
Wish we had some cute girls on the floor to give fresh scenery at times...

She said to stay and try to fit in...
And, after a period you will then be able to move up the ranks.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

am not unemployed anymore


Well... It's a little more like the feeling of ambivalence.

I never thought I would find a job I did not like.

I went to an agency as recommended by some friends.
They said there was an opening where he worked but it would be more clerical work (eg. keeps records or accounts) and banking.
I thought it would be a nice change from working in the IT industry, considering my previous experience.

I called up the job placement agency and was told to come in for an informal chat.
They told me it was a nice placement at the Commonwealth Bank.
I thought to myself, " I like where this informal chat is heading".
The job description said I would be participating as part of a team.
This suited me fine as I would then be able to annoy people with my inexperience and they would cover for me for the first few weeks.
The job title read that I would perform the duties of a loan conveyancing officer.
I thought WOW... this should be novel and interesting.

What is this conveyancing business anyway?
I decided to shut up about it during the interview and google ^o^' it later.
Apparently, it is a term given to the legal process of buying and/or selling property. A dictionary later, I came up with the explanation that it means, "The legal process of transferring the ownership of a property from one person to another."

I was told to show up bright and early last Monday in a nice business suit.
Since, I am the new guy there, it has been mostly general office boy duties.
I pick up and sort the mail every morning and do a ton of filing after.
We then get a nice lunch break and, considering that I am in the city, it has been interesting.
I then come back and collect more mail, post them and then do more filing.
After all this filing I get to, again, collect more mail and post them.
This is very boring and monotonous.
I don't feel like I am learning very much; which was the reason why I accepted this position anyway.

...bordering on the annoyance. up in a nice business suit

It is nice to be a highly paid office boy or, at the least, I am probably the best dressed...


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

In Confucian thought, filial piety (Chinese: 孝; Hanyu Pinyin: xiào) is one of the virtues to be cultivated: a love and respect for one's parents and ancestors.

In somewhat general terms, xiào means
- to take care of one's parents,
- not be rebellious,
- show love, respect and support,
- display courtesy,
- ensure male heirs,
- uphold fraternity among brothers,
- wisely advise one's parents,
- conceal their mistakes (though some advocate privately correcting their mistakes),
- display sorrow for their sickness and death,
- and to carry out sacrifices after their death.

The virtue of xiào is considered the first virtue in Chinese culture, and it is the main concern of a large number of cultural folklore and stories. While China has always had a diversity of religious beliefs, xiào has been common to almost all of them. These traditions were sometimes enforced by law; during parts of the Han Dynasty, for example, and those who neglected ancestor worship could even be subject to corporal punishment.

The concept of xiào was not merely blind loyalty to one's parents. More important than the norms of xiào were the norms of benevolence (Chinese: 仁; Hanyu Pinyin: rén) and righteousness (Chinese: 義; Hanyu Pinyin: ). In fact, in Confucianism, xiào was a display of rén which was ideally applied in one's dealings with all elders, thus making it a general norm of inter-generational relations. For practicality, xiào was usually reserved for one's own parents and grandparents, and was often elevated above the notions of rén and yì.

An interesting story

I have got an interesting story to tell you.

I remember that I first this heard this story from an economics lecturer from a while back. She said that the story came from the movie A Beautiful Mind starring Russell Crowe. I can't verify nor gain say this for I have yet to watch this movie.

Anyway, let me tell you the story about game theory, a gentleman's agreement and honour among thieves (or the lack thereof).

And the story goes likes this...

We have a group of three guys on a Friday night after a long week at work, sitting in a bar. Let's call them Tom, Dick and Harry. After a few rounds of drinks, they spot a group of four women stumble into the bar out of the cold. Only one of the girls was a knockout bombshell, the others were all plain-janes. They do a quick scan of the room and decided that they are the best looking group of guys in the bar. The only question is, how do they proceed?

It's pretty logical that the guys will agree together on which girl each of them will pursue to avoid any conflicts of interest. They may even have a few strategies up their sleeves already. But, that's about where conventional dating logic stops. A higher, more informed dating strategy is necessary to ensure a successful follow-through, ie. the hook-up.

The problem is a little more complex when you finally sit down and think through it. If the guys compete against each other for the knockout, then only one of them can win. The other two guys must settle for one of the plain-janes, but the girls will feel slighted and won't give the guys what they want.

If the guys agree not to compete for the bombshell and let one of them take her, the other two guys will still feel they got the short-end of the stick. Which, the plain-janes will pick up on, and again, nobody gets what they want.

Right now, by each pursuing an open and available plain-jane, they all get to go home with a girl and all of them would have a good time. When you look at it that way, there is no incentive for each of them to change their strategy. But, each guy definitely wants to have shot with the hot knockout.

Thus, we have Dick by being a little sneaky and hell of a lot smarter than his friends. They all agree to have all of them go after the plain-janes and ignore the knockout. He goes in with his buddies and their gentleman's agreement but, with a pre-meditated approach.

And, during the course of the night, while Tom and Harry entertains the plain-janes, Dick starts hitting on the hot knockout bombshell.

Friday, May 25, 2007

EVERGREEN (english ensemble)

by HYDE of L'Arc~en~Ciel

I lie awake beside the windowsill
Like a flower in a vase
A moment caught in glass

The rays of sunlight come and beckon me
To a sleepy dreamy haze
A sense of summer days

If only I could stop the flow of time
Turn the clock to yesterday
Erasing all the pain

I've only memories of happiness
Such pleasure we have shared
I'd do it all again

This scenery is evergreen
As buds turn into leaves
the colours live and breathe
This scenery is evergreen
Your tears are falling silently

So full of joy you are a child of spring
With a beauty that is pure
An innocence endures

You flow right through me like a medicine
Bringing quiet to my soul
Without you I'm not whole

This scenery is evergreen
I need you far too much
I long to feel your touch
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me

This scenery is evergreen
It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
This scenery is evergreen
I wish that I could dry your tears

The bells have rung the time has come
I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear too me

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Think in the morning.
Act in the noon.
Eat in the evening.
Sleep in the night.

by William Blake


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

You are the professional, no matter what...

That means you’re serious about your job, company, organization, department, field and industry, and you act that way. You’re a business professional, and it’s all business, even when there’s a conflict.

By removing your emotions, you’ll more clearly see the situation when you’re experiencing a conflict with a coworker. Then you can decide what, if anything, you want to do about it.

Honestly Examine Your Own Role in the Conflict:
Sometimes it’s easier to think that you’re right and the other person is wrong. But it’s quite possible that you simply don’t know the whole story. You can start by asking, "Could you be at the heart of the conflict?" and, "Are you sure?"

Determine Your Coworker’s Preferred Communication Style:
If you bring up the conflict with your coworker using his preferred communication style instead of your own, you’ll be much more likely to succeed in your efforts. If your coworker is direct, be direct. If he is indirect, be indirect; but most of all, be clear. People hear best in their own communication style.

The use of “I” statements instead of “You” statements (e.g. “You keep interrupting me in meetings.”) will only make your coworker feel as if he is under attack. So stick with “I” statements. An example, “In our meetings together, I often feel I am interrupted. Am I misinterpreting things?”

Take It Outside:
No, not outside in the context of a parking lot brawl! It does often help, though, to invite your coworker out for lunch or coffee “out of the workplace and into neutral ground where you won’t be overheard by others.”

Most importantly, think “win-win” instead of just plain “win.” Your goal shouldn’t be victory as much as mutual satisfaction. You should not approach the situation as someone who is going in to win a fight or an argument, rather,go into it as someone who wants to preserve the relationship.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Carpe diem

Carpe diem is a phrase from a Latin poem by Horace (Odes 1.11)

It is literally translated to as "Seize the day".

The phrase is often extended to explicitly mention the possibility of imminent death, as in "Seize the day, for tomorrow you may die."

Tu ne quaesieris, scire nefas, quem mihi, quem tibi Leuconoe, don't ask — it's forbidden to know —
finem di dederint, Leuconoe, nec Babylonios what end the gods will give me or you. Don't play with Babylonian
temptaris numeros. ut melius, quidquid erit, pati. fortune-telling either. Better just deal with whatever comes your way.
seu pluris hiemes seu tribuit Iuppiter ultimam, Whether you'll see several more winters or whether the last one
quae nunc oppositis debilitat pumicibus mare Jupiter gives you is the one even now pelting the rocks on the shore with the waves
Tyrrhenum: sapias, vina liques et spatio brevi of the Tyrrhenian sea--be smart, drink your wine. Scale back your long hopes
spem longam reseces. dum loquimur, fugerit invida to a short period. Even as we speak, envious time
aetas: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero. is running away from us. Gather the day, for in the future you can believe the minimum.

Monday, April 30, 2007


"I am the world's foremost expert on my own opinion."

define: User

- A technical term used by computer professionals. See idiot.

Press Any Key To Continue...

Sunday, April 15, 2007

brain teaser !!!

How do you cut a cake into 9 pieces with just 4 slices?


Friday, April 13, 2007


... muahaha

Monday, April 09, 2007


An age ago, when I used to play this silly MMORPG called Ragnarok Online. The game was moderately fun. But the lure was definitely the cute~ness of everything in the game.



Oh... just wanted to show you some highlights of the show...

PETRONAS, the grand oil company (and gov't piggybank) of Malaysia had a little show there. I am kind of proud that we are selling stuff to Japan.


She cute... no?
At least they hired really pretty Race Queens. ^_^"

And, there is a new Gran Tourismo game out soon... on PS3 !!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


... and now, a word from our Heavenly Father.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

the car...

I have learnt some lessons about maintaining my precious baby, the car.

1. Eggs, bird shit, tree sap, bug splatter are all bad for the paint job. The acidity is able to strip through the clear coat. And once the stuff hardens, is very hard to remove. Remove immediately when noticed. That is why I will now keep a chamois and a bottle of water in my car.

2. You really need to wax and polish the car at least once every quarter (2-3 months). I was recommended to use some form of carnuba wax. The layer of wax serves as a protective layer over your paint job. This serves to give your car the "showroom shine" and preserve the good paint underneath.

3. To avoid scratching your paint finish, you need to avoid using old t-shirts, rags other cloths. They will cause small scratches to your paint job. Always use either a good microfiber toweling or chamois.

I hate birds...

another returns home...

The dream ends for a few of us.
While those who are left try our best to make something of the journey.

Henry finally went back home (with some finality) to Kuala Lumpur tonight.
There will be no more little octopus and I'm down one yum cha kaki.
He has returned as the crown prince to his family businesses.
I do wish him well.
With his character and determination, I'm sure he would go far.

It was kind of empty sending him off.
Had been a long day as I had chauffeured him about on this last day.
All hopes in that he would get to finish everything he needed to get done.
I even had to help the big idiot clean his house...

There was a fair few of our mutual friends assembled to see him go.
It's nice to know you are loved and will be missed.
Well, the place will be a lot quieter without him about.

I do hope the world is treating you well and that you are happy...

friends do come and go...

Monday, April 02, 2007


xiá 俠

"He will honor his words.

He will definitely carry out his actions.

What he promises, he will fulfill.

He does not care his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's distress.

He does not boast about his ability,
or shamelessly extol his own virtues.

Saturday, March 31, 2007


I won’t be denied...


Would I spend forever here,
and not be satisfied...

I would be the one,
to hold you down,
and kiss you so hard...
I’ll take your breath away

And after, I’d wipe away the tears
Just close your eyes dear...


If you didn't love me

by Corrinne May

If every drop of water disappeared from the land
And every drop of ocean suddenly turned to sand
That would all be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

What if I woke up and couldn't hear a sound
And all that I could see was darkness all around
That would all be nothing
Compared to what I'd feel
If you didn't love me

If I could have the world and all that money could buy
And I could travel far beyond the moon and the day
If they gave me golden wings,
well I still couldn't fly
without you, nothing would matter

You and I walk beside each other day after day
But there's so much inside me, I never get to say
My life would be so empty
with nothing left to feel
If you didn't love me

If you didn't love me
If you didn't love me
If you didn't love me

Monday, March 26, 2007

Keep an open mind

Bruce Lee was one of the most influential people in the world, and an idol to many youngsters and martial arts enthusiasts. Many people accredited his fame and the adoration of his fans to his charm and charisma.

I, on the other hand, believe it to be his positive outlook on life and his open-mindedness to the realms of different possibilities. He once repeated a famous Taoist saying, "You must empty the glass to fill it up once more."

People who believe that they know everything are naive. Instead, a person should be more open-minded and try to envision a world of possibilities that could not have existed yesterday. Once you begin to do so, a creative and positive flow of thoughts will stream out of you -- guaranteed.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

All Good Things (Come To An End)

by Nelly Furtado

Today is just another lazy Sunday morning. So much has changed in the past 2 years that I feel very tired. I woke up to download some music I had heard in clubs/lounges or just over the radio. I then chanced upon Nelly Furtado's latest single.

This is such a beautiful song. While her recent public persona has been more erotic than ethereal, this song is very sobering. It has been said she has a tendency towards the melancholy. It has a style like a breakup ballad with its sombre tone. I say listen as a pure, slightly pensive Nelly Furtado reveals yet another flawless facet of her femininity.

The arrangement just evokes such a strong feeling of regret. The lyrics accompanies the song well. Such a bittersweet aftertaste like when you are trying to forget about breaking up with her.

And, you just have to hear the version with Zero Assoluto.



Honestly what will become of me
don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is daily
We are what we don't see
Missed everything daydreaming

Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to end?
come to an end come to an
Why do all good things come to an end?

Traveling I only stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why


Well the dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Dogs were whistling a new tune
Barking at the new moon
Hoping it would come soon so that they could
Die die die die die


Well the dogs were barking at a new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon
And the sun was wondering if it should stay away for a day 'til the feeling went away
And the sky was falling on the clouds were dropping and
the rain forgot how to bring salvation
the dogs were barking at the new moon
Whistling a new tune
Hoping it would come soon so that they could die.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

going home?

I am going to be sad, later... today.

I found someone who makes my heart sing.

But I am returning to Melbourne in a few hours.

I have learned that beauty will not carry through the ages.
And, that grace and charm are just smoke and mirrors.
There is worth in those who choose, those who strive and those who mature.
The measure that I will go by is that of the personality.

... that certain je ne sais quoi

But, as man has ever been the slave to circumstance, I will move on... yet again.

It is almost never fate or destiny that dictates the rudder.
The captain, with the hopes of safe passage, is he who steers the ships out to open water.

Life has ever been the choice you choose.

Monday, February 12, 2007


I am going home to Malaysia tomorrow. Will be catching the midnight flight, flying Singapore Airlines (SIA) all the way into Kuala Lumpur.

I have missed my family.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

You can only see things clearly with your heart, what is essential is invisible to the eye.

a quote from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A simple Love Song 小情歌

by sodagreen 蘇打綠







This is a simple little love song
which sings about the sadness of people's heart
I think I am very happy
Whenever I have your warmth
The air around my feet has changed

This is a simple little love song
which sings about the freedom in our heart
I think I am very suitable
To be a singer
Youth is flying in the wind

You know
Even though the heavy rain may ruin the whole city
I will still give you a hug
Cant bear to see you walking away from me
So i wrote down the unbearable sorrow

Even though the whole world may be kidnapped by loneliness
I wont run away
Cant escape from the fact that eventually everyone will turn old
So i wrote about the castle where time and my piano sound intervene
Eventually everyone will turn old

that One about... chinese love songs

Contemporary Chinese music style reflects the loneliness that generations of materialism has inflicted. The past post-war generations of Chinese families scramble to carve out an existence in foreign lands having being dispossessed from their mainland.

The essence of the Chinese style of love songs represent the ever foolish-heart, the ever faithful, at times secretive and with desires hidden. The lyrics are bittersweet memories remembered. And, more often than not... beautifully sad.

Or, in the Chinese context, qi mei (凄美).

刮风这天 我试过握着你手
gua feng zhe tian wo shi guo wo zhe ni shou
That day that the wind blew I tried to hold your hand

但偏偏 雨渐渐
dan pian pian yu jian jian
But unfortunately, the rain kept on

da dao wo kan ni bu jian
Falling until I couldn’t see you

还要多久 我才能在你身边
hai yao duo jiu wo cai neng zai ni shen bian
How much longer until I can be beside you again?

等待放晴的那天 也许我会比较好一点
deng dai fang qing de na tian ye xu wo hui bi jiao hao yi dian
Waiting for the day to turn clear, maybe I’ll be a little better then