Monday, January 19, 2009

Discover the Work You Were Born to Do

article by James Gonyea, Contributing Writer

So you've been hearing that voice again, the one that says you're not doing what you were born to do. That may be true, but how do you figure out what you should be doing?

To begin answering this question, examine whether your current career path matches your core interests, beliefs, values, needs and skills. Professional career counselors usually undertake this strategy when attempting to help clients identify appropriate career directions.

Here's what I ask clients to help them find their core. Ask yourself these questions, and record your answers:

1. What subjects do you most enjoy reading about?
2. What television or radio programs do you most enjoy?
3. What are your favorite types of movies?
4. What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes?
5. What type of volunteer activities do you prefer?
6. What subjects do you enjoy discussing with friends?
7. What subjects come to mind when you daydream?
8. What have been your favorite jobs?
9. What were your favorite school subjects?
10. What are your pet peeves?
11. If you doodle, what do you often draw?
12. If you ran the world, what changes would you make?
13. If you won a million bucks, what would you do with it?
14. Who are your favorite kinds of people?
15. How would you like to be remembered after your death?
16. What are your favorite toys?
17. How would you describe your political beliefs?
18. Who do you most admire in life and why?
19. What tasks have brought you the most success?
20. What tasks do you think you could do well that you haven't yet done?

Examine your answers. Do you see a certain behavior or belief in more than one aspect of your life? What information do you see repeated that seems to reveal a behavior pattern? What are your long-lasting interests?

Using this information, paint a self-portrait by completing the following statements:

* I am mainly interested in…
* I believe most in…
* I most value…
* For a good life, I feel I need…
* I can do the following well…

Now ask yourself if your current job helps you achieve these five statements. If it does, you're probably in the right career. Chances are, however, that the nagging voice means your current career is not satisfying your core features. If this is the case, then it's time to find a better fit.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I like the silly people you meet in life.

We were talking about web browsers and why I used Internet Explorer.
I was asked why she liked the Mozilla Firefox browser better over Internet Explorer.

She replied, "Personal preference."

If you have an opinion about something... you need to be able to quantify it!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Reflection & Resolutions

thinking back...

I believe that I've changed a lot in these years
I had went back and looked at my earliest posts
I think then I was still depressed over Leanne
I was so afraid of being lonely and so very unhappy about being single

but now...
I actually do enjoy and value my freedom

I would like to believe that I have matured in this period
in reference to maturity, I am more forward thinking
I like to mull over the future and wonder that which will come to pass
over various conversations with my peers, I noticed we are now more focused on our long-term goals

What are my long term goals?
1. financial independence
2. my own place
3. someone to cuddle with on cold winter nights at no. 2
4. to have gourmet dinners in any city whenever & wherever
5. and, a BMW 3 series coupe

I do think that no. 5 will probably change as better cars arrive on the market

that new job at that new code shop

I got a new job in November 2008 and I think I am better for it
there is a lot of doom and gloom over the global economic stability in 2009
so, I guess I should content I got this new job

its back into the IT industry for me
I am finally an Analyst/Developer even though it is for a small code shop
it is great to be designing and coding systems
I get to put into practice the stuff I had learnt back in uni
I'll admit that I am more than a little rusty...
but, its nice to know I can still do databases and draw UML diagrams
and, I am still putting off getting my SCJP certification
there is still so much for me to learn, try and do

I feel a need to sort of, live up to my new job...
it has been a promotion in a way
I think I have entered my job role at an overvalued position
but, I'd like to think that I am talented
I will definately give it a hard go and pray for the best

the said code shop is a place the north suburbs of Melbourne
its very bohemian (read as poor and arty-farty)
there are really good coffee places and cafés round
and this fantastic viét bakery that I frequent for cheap lunch rolls

the guys whom I work with are a friendly bunch
I find most of them to be a tad nerdy with their World of Warcraft and Playstation3
but then again, I do collect figures and manga
they also do very laid back... very well
that is in contradiction with my personal views on IT
I expected a more dynamic and fast paced environment

but, I guess that every business and its work environment is different

New Year Resolutions for the workspace

I had my first month performance review with my manager not too long ago
its nice to know that I am on track with most things
I was told I was too enthusiatic and should cut back on the caffeine
We also establish my responsibilities and the the company's expectations for me
let me say that I got a lot to prove...

I really need to level-up (read as upgrade) on my skills
since I have been out of the IT game for a while, it is all unfamiliar territory again
and there are some skills (like the proprietary hardware, serial comms and wireless networks) that beg to be learned in the blink of an eye
it has been quite a challenge to wade through the crop of new material
I have found myself reading through a tall pile of references and manuals daily
but, I am happy I am very receptive to self-improvement and to professional development

I also intend to work harder than I need to...
you know what they say, perception is reality
I want to be perceived as a superstar
I hope to follow with a promotion
and, a promotion will have a significant effect on my future with the company and my own job satisfaction

this new year, I want to hit the ground running
I have made commitment with myself to work extremely hard for the next six months
I do not agree with Darren that the first few months at a new workplace is all breezy
I want to turn it up a notch instead

I need to keep the enthusiasm high.

Friday, January 02, 2009

on karaoke...

I was killing them softly... with my song.

Thursday, January 01, 2009


a fresh start!