A friend got her tongue pierced today.
I accompanied her as one of the
She went in a room at the back of the tattoo parlour cum body piercing shop.
All I did was that I stood outside and waited...
They had giant poster sized pictures of the whole piercing process.
It starts with a fairly mundane wash and rinse of the mouth.
They provide tons of listerine so you get the fresh mouth feeling...
And, I guess, that the pierce~
er guy doesn't die from your bad breath.
Then, with a real wicked looking 6 incher of a needle, they poke a small hole in the centre of your tongue.
They then affix a clamp over the needle and slide the cruel device out.
They replace that with a rather long tongue stud.
Apparently you only to get to wear the fairly innocous looking studs after about~ 2 months.
After that, it is a fairly painless affair of affixing a tongue stud.
When she got out, she did say the whole affair didn't hurt... that much.
But she said there was a lot of blood.
She was inside rinsing her mouth out cause her tongue was bleeding.
We then went to get her
slurpees from a 7-Eleven.
Her plan was to go straight home, grab a glass of milk and sleep.
I was quite perplexed... and so I asked, "Why?"
She said she was going straight to sleep... 'cause then she won't really feel the pain.
All the better to let the tongue heal then.
I am still wincing from thinking that she REALLY went through with it.
Said friend has had her tongue swell up on her and that she can't really talk on the phone.
This is supposed to happen and IS the reason for the extra long tongue stud.
It is sort of like the
trainer pair of earrings that you first get.
Just to get the body used to the idea of having a hole where there shouldn't be one...
She also wants some sea salt to gargle with.
I understand that salt is good for wounds and a natural antiseptic.
But, the last time I checked the equation...
salt + an open wound = BIG BIG hurt !!!
Ouchies !!!